Here's your chance to be part of the Mini Golf Fun for FREE!
We're looking for volunteers in a number of areas - and the positions come with great perks!

Saturday, April 5
2 Check-In/Greeters (5:00 pm)    
4 or more Set-Up (4:30 pm)   
5 or more tear-down (9:00-11:00 pm, this will vary depending on the event)  
5 Check-Out (9:00-11:00 pm, this will vary depending on the event)
2 TAMS servers (5:30 pm - 9:00 pm-ish)   
2 Food prep (Noon-4:30 pm)

Friday, April 4
Food prep (3:00 pm)  

Most shifts will be from 5:15-11 pm depending on what your doing and your availability.
As a bonus, all volunteers will be entered into a drawing for fabulous prizes, including everything from gift cards, hotel stays, boat trips, railroad passes, and more!

Contact Kate at (907) 224-6307 or for more information or to sign-up today.

Thank You to our Sponsors!